Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rollercoaster Yard Sale

It is that time of the year again! We are certainly looking forward to a busy week around the Bell.

There will be lots going on indoors and out so be sure you swing by and check us out! We will have all our usual indoor goodies, with our newest addition to the store - Southern Firefly Candles - made just down the road in Nashville, TN! We have some new things in and will be adding more in the coming days.

Outdoor vendors will have everything from collectibles to clothing... and BBQ! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and keep up to date with all the latest news!!!

Join us for the Rollercoaster Yard Sale October 2-4

Friday, September 19, 2014

Pick of the Day ~ Union Bank

One of the reasons why I love my "hobby job" is because, well you just never know what you will find or what type of connections will be made.

While me and my crew were out and about I found what might be one of my favorite picks yet. They walked right on by as I took the time to pick these little goodies up and read them... to my surprise I was reading something I recognized!!!

I will admit when I picked this one up I thought it was just coincidence...

 However, this one was all the confirmation I needed.

The stamp reads-


The Bank of Jamestown & the Farmers Bank merged on September 21, 1933 to form what is now known as Union Bank!

Happy 81st Birthday Union Bank ;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy

It has certainly been awhile since we have posted to the blog. With school starting back and the arrival of the newest Bell member any day ~ we've had our hands full!

We hope you are enjoying our new hours, and we hope that you continue to support us as we try to keep our business growing! We are now open Mon & Tues 10:00 - 2:00, Thurs & Fri 10:00 - 3:00 & Sat 10:00 - 4:00.

Booth spaces are also available. Most spaces will rent for around $1.00 a square foot - and we are willing to work with you to provide the size space you think you can fill.

We are gearing up for the Rollercoaster Yard Sale which will take place the first weekend in October. However, this baby's arrival may prevent me from fully enjoying the weekend! Do come out and see what we are all about. We will have BBQ & fresh kettle corn on site, as well as junk, junk, junk.

We are beginning an email based newsletter, so please email us at and let us know that you would like to be added to that list. The newsletter will contain a lot of the info that we share on Facebook, but also some special promos and exclusives.

Just a sneak peek but this is the next item I hope to add to the store - just waiting to hear that my order has been processed!

Photo by: Fresh Pastry Stand
(And yes those are Pyrex bowls!!! Hand printed in the good ole USA and vintage inspiration!!!!)